E&GE & G International Language Center

  • 地區達沃
  • 學校類型韓式
  • 學生人數大型
  • 4.5
  • 2 點評
  • 1週300美金~
  • 1個月1,000美金~


  • 門限・校規嚴格 / 
  • 氛圍嚴格 / 
  • 台灣 學生人數 / 
  • 只能使用英語政策嚴格
  • 課程4.5 / 
  • 師資 4.5 / 
  • 管理層・工作人員 5 / 
  • 食物 3.5 / 
  • 設施 3.5 / 
  • 網速 2.5
  • 多益
  • 雅思
在這間學校上過課的用戶人數 (2)

Ë&G國際語言中心成立於2006年6月26日, 剛開始時只有6名教師和5名學生頂著。從那時起,這一數字一直增長。 E&G學校在達沃市,學生主要來自韓國和日本。以加強學生們的基礎知識和英語學習能力為目標。學校提供空調宿舍客房,餐廳,供應三餐,每天有無數的1:1和團體課,洗衣服務,客房清潔服務,二十四小時的wifi服務,主管辦公室的工作人員,24 -hour CCTV系統和保安服務。儘管全菲律賓現在在很多城市都有許多語言中心林立,E&G還是一個很好的選擇。學生特別喜歡到薩馬爾島那令人嘆為觀止的島嶼跳島。學校附近有幾個大商場和娛樂設備,是想放鬆的學生尋找娛樂的好去處。學校的未來目標是能夠為更多的學生提供最新英語教學和世界一流的水平。

1. 如果學生是在週日(上課日)抵達學校而不是週末:-
1.1. 無論他/她何時到達,學校都會提供接機服務。
1.2. 學生應該在第二天遵守新生的時間表(入學考試/迎新/匯兌)。
1.3. 如果學生在早上到達,學生可選擇是否在下午考試,以便可以在第二天開始上課。

2. 入住和退房時間應該在同一天;
2.1 如果學生在星期六入學,該學生應在星期六退房。
2.2 如果學生在星期天入住,該學生應在星期天退房。
2.3 如果學生需要在退房日之後留在E&G宿舍,則需支付1,000 /天的費用。

3. 延簽
4週或以下(豁免,菲幣 0)
8週(第一次延簽,菲幣 3,630)
12 週 (1st + 2nd, Php 3,630 + 4,900)
16 週 (1st + 2nd + 3rd , Php 3,630 + 4,900 + 2,930)
20 週 (1st + 2nd + 3rd + 4th, Php 3,630 + 4,900 + 2,930 + 2,930)
24 週 (1st + 2nd + 3rd + 4th + 5th, Php 3,630 + 4,900 + 2,930 + 2,930 + 2,930)

* 如果在11月,12月,1月或2月之間入住,須支付額外的菲幣 310

4. 特別學習許可 (SSP)/ ACR I卡
4.1 SSP是外國人在菲律賓“學習”所需的特別學習證,無論他們是以任何類型的簽證在菲律賓逗留。該SSP將頒發給“受認可的”語言學校,而不是學生; 因此,如果學生轉到另一所語言學校,則另外申請SSP。
4.2. ACR I-Card是外國人登記證,只適用於在菲律賓逗留59天以上的人。

5. ID 照片
需要2 * 2英寸(5 * 5厘米)的ID照片來處理SSP和延簽,以及ACR I-Card辦理;

4 週或以下: 2 張
5 至 8 週: 3 張
9 至 12 週: 4 張



關於學校 E&G

学校名 E&G
規模 150
學校類型 Korean
設立年度 2006
地址 Maryknoll Road,Bo,Vicente Hizon,Davao city, PHILIPPINES
設備 教室,宿舍,餐廳,書房,無線上網WIFI,診所
門限 週日到週四:晚上 11.00 pm, 週五、週六、節假日: 凌晨 1.00 am
周辺環境 E&G的位於達沃市的一個安靜的位置,離市中心也不遠,大概15分鐘車程就可以到達購物商場等。適合想要來菲律賓清新空氣中學習英文的學生


  • User Name

    In fact, my English has improved a lot more in my stay here at E&G for 3 months than in Vietnamese for the whole 2 years.
    **此評論為根據學校提供的學生評論代po **

    Hi, My Vietnamese name is Tien and my English name is Tom. After I graduated from my university, I’ve decided immediately to enroll in our English school in Davao city, E&G. There was a list of English schools in the Philippines and I chose E&G because my friend who works as a consultant for studying oversea recommended E&G. I think, she was completely right.

    I have studied English in Vietnam for 2 years, and I never expected that I would ever study English in the Philippines, but thanks to E&G, I could have a wonderful chance to improve my English skills. At first I thought my English was not good enough at all, but my teachers were so consistent with encouraging me into studying English and now I think I'm quite confident and fluent in speaking English. In fact, my English has improved a lot more in my stay here at E&G for 3 months than in Vietnamese for the whole 2 years.

    I really want to thank all my teachers for teaching me very hard every day and also listening intently to me all the time. I didn't only learn a lot but from them, but I could also share our life stories and exchanged different views of many things that could help us know more about each other. I think these competent and kind teachers should be credited with E&G's high quality English education service. Specially thanks teacher named Reggie, who taught me writing skills with countless practices. I could learn English writing from the bottom up.

    Equally, other staff members of E&G also well attend to students' needs. Clean and well maintained dormitory , tasty meals (Vietnamese dishes are served here once in a while.), and others, I really want to thank everyone in E&G, and the previous Vietnamese manager, Helen was of course best of all the staff here.

    I’ve already stayed here for 11 weeks and I have to say good bye to E&G next week. I’ll come back to Vietnam, but I'll never forget about the wonderful memories of this school and this city, Davao. Many spectacular and peaceful beaches in Samal Island, Eden Park, Roxas Night Market and all other places I've been to with my good friends and teachers, I'll definitely miss all the happy moments. See you!
    • 5
    • 就讀週數12 weeks (2016.11 -2017.2)
    • 17/02/23
    • 點評人數 0
  • User Name

    我永遠珍惜我在E&G 和 Davao的所有回憶!




    我希望未來某天我可以再次回到E&G,再次的相遇所有老師和朋友,即便無法達成,我也依然永遠珍惜我在E&G 和 Davao的所有回憶!
    • 4
    • 就讀週數5 weeks (2016.11 -2017.1)
    • 17/01/24
    • 點評人數 0
申請 E&G





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